Over the last few years, there has been a strong focus on battery technology within the electric vehicle market, and the integral role it has played in the race to build faster, less costly and more efficient EVs.
As a result, it has become easy to forget that the battery isn’t the only component of an electric vehicle that contributes to these performance outcomes; the motor design of an electric vehicle is equally as important.
In the latest addition to our HEV Mechanical Systems course, we will explore one of the few motor types used in modern EVs; the Synchronous Permanent Magnet AC motor.
The topics covered in this training module include:
- Construction and operating principles of the Synchronous Permanent Magnet AC motor type
- Why this motor design is selected by EV manufacturers
- Key challenges associated with this motor type
The massive gains in electric vehicle driveability, range and efficiency are a result of improved motor concepts like the Synchronous Permanent Magnet design – so you can be sure to encounter this technology in your workshop very soon.
This module is the latest addition to our growing library of over 350 technical training videos, covering the following key areas:
Electrical | Engine | Chassis | Drivetrain | Driver Assist
HVAC | Diagnostics | Servicing | Hybrid & Electric Vehicles